Digital Tales bietet seinen Titel Battleloot Adventure -l10848- derzeit kostenlos im AppStore an. Aber nicht nur bei der iPhone-Version kannst du den sonst fälligen Kaufpreis von 0,79€ sparen, sondern auch bei der iPad-Version Battleloot Adventure HD -l10849-, die im Moment ebenfalls gratis im AppStore angeboten wird.

Battleloot Adventure -l10848- ist Genremix aus Strategie- und Rollenspiel. Wir haben euch das Spiel zum Release im März ausführlich vorgestellt.

Außerdem haben beide Versionen des Spieles vor wenigen Tagen ein umfangreiches Update erhalten. Dies verbessert das Gameplay und erweitert den Umfang, zum Beispiel mit einem neuen Charakter.

Update-Beschreibung von Battleloot Adventure -l10848- aus dem AppStore (englisch):

– FILE SIZE REDUCED : Required disk space has been more than halved.
– UPDATED QUEST FLOW : Game progression is now more linear and smoother. ACT I Quests are less punishing.
– CHALLENGING FEATS : Most Feats have been changed to offer more appealing challenges to RPG fans.
– EQUIPMENT OVERHAUL : Almost all pieces of equipment were retuned. Better weapons, armor and items are now available earlier in the game.
– EXTRA CHARACTERS: Mercenaries for Hire are now gradually unlocked in ACT I.
– OVERHAULED TUTORIAL: ACT I Tutorials have been revised based on users’ feedback. Now they are clearer and more comprehensive.
– IN-GAME HELP: As many users requested, an „Edge system“ help menu has been added to Pause screen.
– NEW EXP SYSTEM : All of your characters now gain XP, even when not in the active party. Have fun trying new classes combinations along your journey!
– APP BOOSTER : New integrated feature, to improve direct communication with our users.

* Please, note : Due to some major changes listed above, you may notice slight differences in Quests, equipment and Feats availability if you already had an active savegame preceding the update. Worry not, you aren’t going to loose any progress nor loot!
